Songs that contain the Spirit of Australia

This is a list of songs and compositions which make me feel proud to be Australian:

Marin - Oliver Schories

Dadirri - Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr

I Am Australian - The Seekers

True Blue - John Williamson

Feel the Rhythm - Client Liaison

Soleil - Romeo Elvis

The Water Diviner - Ludovico Einaudi

Песня о свободе - ДДТ
A song about freedom - DDT

King Billy Cokebottle - A.B. Original

Spirit of the Anzacs -  Lee Kernaghan

The 3rd World - Immortal Technique

Imagine - John Lennon

Take Me Home, Country Roads - John Denver

God is a DJ - Faithless (Deadmau5 Remix)

Восточная сказка - Блестящие

The Nosebleed Section - Hilltop Hoods

The Source - Sami Yusuf

A Journey to Russia - Klezmer Festival Band

Mawlaya - Maher Zain

Time Forward - Sviridov 

This song makes me think about the progress of humankind. My grandpa, and all of Russia used to listen to the bit before the climax before every news cast, because we believed that we would be told the absolute truth. That is what this tune conditioned us for, most likely because it gave us a sense of continuity to the idea of history. Today mainstream media is so polarised and editorialised with war propaganda that most of us feel that we don't know what to believe anymore. This song reminds me of the sense that truth should be available to all, as idealistic as it may seem. The trust in this tune brought faith to the Russian people in the credibility of the information that they are receiving, and I hope that it will be returned into the Russian media, because Russians are obsessed with history, and we - Russians - need to, as the West does, at least sometimes, have the courage to look forward into history as opposed to mostly looking back into the countless ways that we've been fucked over by the West over the centuries, as we have. We pioneered spaceflight, and most of its innovations, and we should be proud of that because these were discoveries for all of humankind, not just for the Soviet people. There are still no other peoples in the history of our planet who have replicated the significance of the Soviet peoples achievements. Be proud of what our collaboration enabled, despite its countless flaws. If they don't respect us - Fuck them - we're right, because there is a global ethic whether they like it or not. The imperfections of its implementation is our peril. None of us chose the location or circumstances of our birth, and all of us deserve to live with the privilege of our forefathers, everywhere, because we are wealthy enough to enable it, and to enable others to share in the collective wealth that we've accumulated. If you don't think so you are opposing the natural progress of history. If this is what you are doing, the most important question that you should ask yourself is - why? And why now?  

Last Light - Manual

This is one of the songs I listened to a lot from Manual after my grandpa had a stroke. I listened to it on the plane on the way from Greece to Russia because I knew you may not be the same person again. I bawled my eyes out, and eventually didn't treat you well because of some of your habits including collecting plastic bags and becoming increasingly misogynistic. Grandpa, I'm sorry. For most of your life you were the most kind and inspiring man in my life, despite all your imperfections. I wish I was more tolerant and kinder towards you at the end of your life. In my eyes, before your stroke, and till this day, you were the kindest man and the best role model I could have ever asked for. I wish I was more patient with you after you came to Australia. Please, I hope you can forgive my anger at your habits. I had foreseen your future imperfections, but I persisted with my ideological crusade against plastics, nationalism and misogyny which made me resent you after your brain changed. I couldn't even hug you when you left, and now I feel like I live to replicate your kindness that I witnessed as a child. Please forgive me, I love you, I always have and I always will, and I wish I could have said so directly before you passed away. This is your shrine.

Give Peace A Chance - John Lennon & Yoko Ono